Chill At The Spa
Combine a facial, a massage and a toe tidy or indeed a combo of other treatments within the 1000 point bracket in a relaxing day at the Cavendish Hotel Spa. Bliss! Plan your treatments with a Project Worker to make sure it fits the 1000 point bracket.

Shopping Frenzy
£80 to spend on clothes or things for your home (or well, ya know, sensible stuff). Pick from Central London, Bluewater, Brighton, Westfield Shopping Centre or Lakeside and shop til you drop with food and drinks all included.

Passenger Jet Simulator
Ever wanted to fly a passenger jet? Well now you can get super close to the real thing without the crash landing part! These sims are ultra realistic as you jump into a mock cockpit and control one of the biggest planes in the world. It's so realistic, if you are not sweating at touch down, you should seriously consider becoming a pilot!
Take In London From A Chopper
No, not the a seventies style bike, a helicopter! Enjoy views of the East End of London from up to a 1000 feet in the air and have a bite out too! Check it out...
Fly a Glider
After a pre-flight briefing, you will be strapped into the glider with your instructor. The glider is attached to another aircraft which will tow you into the sky! Once the cable is released you search out some thermals and then gently glide back down to earth. Unforgettable! (Normally flights last around 20 minutes)
Drive a Lambo!
You can drive a Lamborghini Gallardo... Yes, you read it right. And while you pick your jaw off the floor, start thinking about how you can do this for easy stuff like being polite and washing up whilst most grown ups can only dream of something like this... I'm not jealous though, okay!?!
Get To Grips With Falconry
Get up close and personal with owls, hawks, eagles and even vultures with a half day at Sussex Falconry Centre learning how to fly and hunt with the world's most incredible birds of prey. For a full day you will need to save 1300 points.
Cook Like Gordon Ramsey
Ashdown Manna Cookery School in Nutling have ongoing day courses in different styles of cookery like "bread baking" "making a curry" and "game cooking"- take a look through the course list and once you've stopped salivating, pick a course... (nb Half day courses will be 300 points if you'd prefer and check each course is suitable for under 18's before booking).